Reclaim Your Dream of Thriving Health and Wellness in Motherhood Today.

Empowering women on their journey to holistic and energized health.

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Hey friend,

My name is Me'kelle

As a mom of four lovely children, I've gone through 4 postpartum seasons. I know what it's like to be so busy in motherhood that personal health gets left behind.

I became a holistic health coach after 8 years of training pre/postnatal women in Fitness and Pilates.  I switched when I discovered mothers need more holistic care of their hormones to have the energy to show up as they wanted in motherhood. I care about supporting mothers in creating sustainable health goals they can do even with young children to care for.

I am passionate about guiding mothers on their transformative journey to healthier and more vibrant lives.

Every mother’s wellness journey is unique. I work closely with you to create a personalized wellness plan aligning with your needs, lifestyle, and goals through the health coaching process. 


Learn How!

The Thriving Motherhood Project

Discover how to heal from exhaustion to thriving with energy and ease in motherhood through my signature coaching program.

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Who I help...


Mothers in the thick of it longing to live a more balanced and energetic life with their children...

Mothers who want to be energetic and engaged moms, but are exhausted and overwhelmed in a demanding motherhood season.

Mamas who love their children fiercely, but are struggling to take care of their own needs and respond in loving ways. 

Moms who want to reclaim their body postpartum and reset their metabolism to lose the baby weight without restriction.

Moms who need help and mentorship to develop a sustainable and healthy lifestyle that supports their motherhood.


   Is this you?

  • You have big dreams for adventuring with your kids, but you’re confused on how to regain your energy and joy.
  • You can't seem to find a sustainable routine to get your own needs met, so you put them off until you snap.
  • You want to play with your kids more, but you feel exhausted mentally and physically.
  • You feel overwhelmed and puzzled by the abundance of contradicting health advice you’ve received.
  • You feel defeated about losing the baby weight and overcoming the mommy brain.
  • You feel cranky, depleted, and overstimulated most of the days with your kids.
  • You want to feel strong and confident in your clothes, but don't feel like you have time to workout or support for your weight loss goals.
  • You are feeling resentful of your partner for not understanding your needs as a mother and helping more.
  • You love your littles wholeheartedly, but feel lost in the realities of keeping up with your own self-care while caring for your family.

Then You’re In Luck!

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In The Thriving Mother Project, we will help you break free from exhaustion to thrive with energy and ease in your life.

 I'm here to offer you a lifeline toward thriving in holistic health with a balanced lifestyle.  As a mother of four young children, I understand the unique challenges you face – the sleepless nights, the endless to-do lists, and the feeling that your needs are always last on the priority list.

My coaching approach is tailored to empower mothers out of survival mode to begin to prioritize their health so they can care for their families well. We will overcome exhaustion, overwhelm, and limiting beliefs to simply integrate wellness into their motherhood. I believe motherhood is the most challenging and beautiful time in a woman's life, yet most are lacking the support and mentorship needed to thrive. 

Together, we'll craft a holistic wellness plan that embraces your physical, emotional, and mental health. We'll develop strategies to manage stress, find pockets of self-care in your busy day, and cultivate sustainable routines that allow you to thrive, not just survive.

With my guidance, you can rediscover your own identity and regain the energy and vitality needed to nurture both yourself and your family, ultimately creating a life that's truly balanced and fulfilling. It's time to break free from survival mode and embrace a thriving, holistic lifestyle that honors both your role as a mother and your individual well-being.

Yes! Sign me up!

Before becoming a Certified Health Coach, I really struggled to live the healthy lifestyle I desired as a mom. For the first 4 years of my motherhood, I thought my life as a mom would always be exhausting and I'd be stuck relying on coffee to get through the days…

My Story

Discover how you can break free from exhaustion to thrive with energy and ease over the next 6 months in my signature coaching program, The Thriving Mother Project. Inside, I will provide you with personalized tools for you to thrive throughout your motherhood journey.

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Get My Free Gift to You!

Here to start healing your hormones naturally? Grab this PDF as a first step!

Amanda C.

I think that having someone like Mekelle who empowers me to make changes for myself and also provides accountability is invaluable.

I began working with Mekelle a month ago with the hope I’d start to feel better in my body and be more present and active with my son. So far I’ve lost 9 pounds, my BP is back where it used to be and I’m actually able to enjoy physical activity

Andrea W.

Me'kelle has absolutely helped improve my body!

I'm stronger, I have more endurance and energy to keep up with my five (yes, five!) kids, and I feel so much healthier all around. Plus, it keeps back pain from an old biking accident minimal to nonexistent! It has been a welcome change!

Helena W.

Mekelle was awesome about helping me modify fitness appropriately when pregnant!

My first time doing Pilates with Me'kelle at 20 weeks pregnant in the equipment class and I loved it! And Mekelle was awesome about helping me modify appropriately! I'll be back for sure!

"I think that having someone like Mekelle who empowers me to make changes for myself and also provides accountability is invaluable.”

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Amanda C.